Monday, April 18, 2011

old photos

Awhile ago I posted that I finally went out and took pictures around my parent's house how using my mom's old camera. Well I never posted back how my pictures turned out. I really liked a couple of my pictures but then others turned out really bad, mostly they were exposed too much or too little. For some of them I went back into them on my computer and here's how they turned out...

I really love this lighting and I was so excited that I caught it! I love how it adds that orange-red color to subjects that are dull in color. When I went back into the computer I tried to enhance this color. Hope you like them!

Monday, April 11, 2011

recent photography

Last weekend I went out around my parents house and took some pictures.. Enjoy!!

its been awhile!

I just realized that I haven't blogged in a really long time!! So I wanted to update everyone about some things I've been working on...

I'm taking a new studio, Advanced Drawing, which first freaked me out! It is a self-directed class that doesn't have any guidelines at all! The freedom is really nice, but also intimidating for me. Today I finally faced my fear and worked on a piece!

At first I started out with the idea of destruction of man. From my past projects, I saw a theme occurring throughout my work, I loved distressed things. Even from my screenprinting project (guns) shows a destruction of man theme so I thought it was perfect!!

But it wasn't perfect... Of course I was overthinking and stressing myself out about the idea. Today my teacher told me to play around and do anything! Just let myself go.. so I did and here's what happened....
 I just used the palette knife and lots of paint. My inspiration was of pealing paint. Here's a close up..