Thursday, February 23, 2012

OTR painting continued

So after my final senior thesis critique, I have decided to keep this painting of just the map of OTR, not using the similar style I did before of painting the faces of the homeless. I added another layer.. I'm going to add more layers of course, but I'm not exactly sure how yet or what technique... One girl suggested that I fill balloons up with paint and shoot them with a gun! That would be awesome except it scares me ha. But I think this would be interesting aesthetically and conceptually.

Over the Rhine is a feared neighborhood in Cincinnati after having a lot of bad publicity. For awhile police also feared it so the community got "ghettoized". It has become this shut out part of town, until recently. They are trying to renovate some of the buildings to make the area become more inviting but that just erases the affordable housing that was once available.

I applied polyurethane selectively, and I was surprised how it turned out.
 I was happy to see how it dried!

Here's a close up of how the polyurethane dried.

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